Keep in mind also that these are averages and actual rates will vary. The lowest right now for a new car is about 1.74%. The highest for a new car can hover around 24.9%. What Lenders Look at Other Than Credit Score. Credit scores have the most impact on auto loan rates, but there are other factors considered as well. Example: A 5-year, fixed-rate used car loan for $25,000 would have 60 monthly payments of $ 453 each, at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 3.29 %. Example: A 5-year, fixed-rate refinance loan for $23,000 would have 60 monthly payments of $ 424 each, at an annual percentage rate (APR) of 3.99 %. The minimum credit score for this lender is 500, which is significantly lower than many others. You should also have an income of at least $2,000 per month to apply. Loan amounts can range from $7,500 to $40,000, so you can get the car you want.